生命重生(約翰福音3:3 ;3:5-8)
. October 2, 2023. Category:Serving God as a Congregation (Acts 6:1–7)
. June 11, 2023. Category:恢復榮耀 彰顯榮光 (創世記1:26-28;羅馬書3:23-24)
. June 11, 2023. Category:Four Truths of Christianity 1 John 5:18–21
. June 4, 2023. Category:靠主作剛強的人 以弗所書6:10-18
. June 4, 2023. Category:God’s Soldiers: The Patterns of a Godly Person 2 Timothy 2:1–13
Worship Tags: Sunday Worship
May 28, 2023.